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Writer's pictureJason E. Fort

Just When You Think 'Life' Gets You Down

by Jason E. Fort

'Life' can shift like the skilled boxer,

It can make you think you know its next move.

Just when you think you've got the right stance

And you're moving along, feeling your groove.

Then the feint happens; you never saw it coming,

The left hook sails around the corner of your eye.

You get an elbow up, but the blow makes you stagger;

The impact makes you question if you've died.

But this fight's not over, not by a long shot,

When you made up your mind a long time ago

That when this beast called 'Life' comes at you again,

You'd counter and land your own mighty blow.

For this 'Beast' called 'Life' gets cocky sometimes.

It thinks it's got you dead to rights.

It's like that fool the Good Book calls 'the Devil,'

Its pride will actually hinder its sight.

"In this world, you will have trouble,"

The Son of God did teach us in His Word.

But it's the rest of the verse that can lift you up

As if it's something that the Devil never heard.

"Take heart," the New Testament continues;

Your confidence helps you shift to Life's weak side.

You twist and punch and hit it in its flank

It staggers, it quivers, now it feels like it's who died.

"For I have overcome the world!" you hear in your heart.

And then it hits you with comfort and love and grace.

It's not you making the moves around the ring

As you feel your right cross hit your opponent in the face.

Because you put your trust in Him long ago

You realize you were never the fighter with the Plan.

As the Lord punches and beats the Devil in disguise

You come to the place where you understand.

Whether it's Life, or the Devil, or some other unknown Beast,

Never give up just when you think the chips are down.

Even when you stagger and fall, you pick yourself back up

Because it's the Good Lord that can lift you off the ground.

In what do you place your confidence these days?

Is it the ambitions, and plans, or power trips of others?

Or is it in the One who gave up His life for you?

Is it playing off the sturdy support of your 'Brothers?'

So bring it on 'Life,' or whatever you call yourself these days.

I'm not the one who you're trying to knock out.

But your opponent will rock you, and can't be beat.

With my faith in Him I have no doubt.

So hit me with your best shot, be it a jab or a cross.

You might even hit me again and think you're getting warmer.

But when you open your eyes and look a little harder

You'll see I had some important people in my corner.

Yeah, this fight can last a long while; longer than you know.

We might throw down and wrestle and wail.

But since I already know who wins in the end

I'm the one who will live to tell the tale.

When the final Trumpet sounds (or when the bell is rung),

My conscience will be clear because I followed the Way.

As for that 'Devil' that had its own agenda bows out

God will be the Victor; He will have the Last Say.

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